Functional Fitness

Archive for December, 2009|Monthly archive page

This year why not invest in yourself?

In Trainers on December 20, 2009 at 5:27 pm

At first glance the idea of getting a personal trainer can sound expensive or even like a waste of money. But it is a new year…time for a new you, right? I know, new years resolutions can be cheesy but you do have to admit that there is something about the New Year that inspires change. This year I have a real challenge for you, INVEST IN YOURSELF!

I don’t know what happened or when it happened, but it has somehow become socially acceptable to look and act like you don’t care or you have given up on life. I see people going to work in dirty sweat pants, not combing hair, clothes stained, they smell, over weight, you get the idea. I know you have seen these people or maybe you are this person. But it is ok it is time to change.

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