Functional Fitness

Posts Tagged ‘6 meals a day’

Working out in a Fasted State

In Diet on January 5, 2011 at 9:51 pm

It is always good to see when the mainstream media comes around and publishes a story helping to debunk many of the flawed conventionalĀ  methods for working out. For whatever reason most people believe whatever the mainstream media tells them, however this article is good and it is Divine Proportion approved! I came across this article in the New York Times Health section, which talks about working out in a fasted state.

I have been researching this topic (working out in a fasted state) for sometime now, and have been recently self-experimenting and thus far the results have been great!

Conventional fitness wisdom tells us to eat six small meals a day to regulate our blood sugar, keep us feeling full thus helping to prevent food binges, and helps to speed up our metabolism. The problem with this methodology is it is flawed! First of all, have you ever tried to eat 6 small meals a day? I have, and it sucks! Read the rest of this entry »