Functional Fitness

Posts Tagged ‘gluten-free’

Why your no sugar diet will FAIL!

In Diet, Nutrition on June 8, 2011 at 9:14 pm

Facebook is an amazing thing, it gives you insight to many of the everyday struggles that people experience, especially when it comes to a persons food/diet. It feels as though I can’t check my facebook page without somebody complaining about how miserable they are on their  “new” crazy diet. Just yesterday someone was complaining about experiencing massive sugar cravings because they had just started a no sugar diet. This is not the first time I have seen a facebook post about sugar cravings. First, let me say that sugar is horrible stuff and is extremely addicting and I think everybody should cut sugar out of their diet, but people make one huge mistake when trying to cut out sugar which always causes them to fail!

The big mistake Read the rest of this entry »

Do you suffer from allergies?

In Diet, Nutrition on May 6, 2011 at 7:15 pm

Well I don’t anymore…in your face juniper pollen! One of the biggest benefits I have had since eating a Primal diet is I no longer suffer from allergies. Trust me I can sympathize with all of you allergy suffers. Every spring, once the wind started blowing, I was miserable.  I was literally like a crack head when it came to taking Claritin, Benadryl, or whatever  else I could get my hands on to take away my itchy eyes, constant running nose and sinus pressure. That was what I went through every spring on a daily basis and the allergy symptoms would last for 2 – 3 months.

I have been on a strict primal diet for just about a year now and this is the first spring with absolutely no allergy symptoms! I didn’t need to take any allergy medication this spring even thought this has been the worst pollen count (in Albuquerque) in the last ten years.  I have never felt better!

It’s funny, when I was a kid I used to think Read the rest of this entry »

How to eat Primal-ly on the road

In Diet, Nutrition on March 7, 2011 at 8:17 pm

I just helped my girlfriend move across the country from Albuquerque to Virginia. I am actually stuck in the airport (delayed for 7 hours), as I write this, waiting to fly back to Albuquerque. So anyway, this move was done in typical “road trip” fashion which means lots of unhealthy food (fast-food) options for just about every meal. In a perfect world we would cook our own meals with pastured meats and organic vegetables but unfortunately “real life” happens and we are not always able to eat “perfect” meals.

Believe it or not, it is easy to make it through a road trip without completely sabotaging a Primal diet. First, let’s identify enemy number 1, nutritionally deficient calories usually consumed out of boredom. Road trips traditionally consist of bags of Funyuns and/or Cheetos, multiple energy drinks, and lot’s of fast-food. We all know we should not eat chips and drink sugary drinks but what can we eat? Read the rest of this entry »

The Gluten Free Challenge!

In Diet on August 30, 2010 at 5:15 pm

Do you often feel sluggish after you eat, especially after eating a big bowl of pasta or pizza? Or do you feel like you workout hard and eat well but you just can’t lose that last 10 pounds? Well it could be gluten. It’s found in grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats.

What exactly is gluten? Well, gluten comes from the Latin word meaning glue. In fact it is used as one of the main ingredients for wall paper adhesive.

Gluten is a large, water-soluble protein that creates the elasticity in dough; it also allows leavening and contributes chewiness to baked products like bagels.

Why is it bad? About 1% of the population suffers from celiac disease. People who suffer from this disease are completely and utterly intolerant of any gluten. Basically the gluten causes an inflammatory reaction which interferes with the body ability to absorb nutrients.

It is also believed that up to 30% of the population suffers from gluten sensitivity. The reaction can vary significantly from person to person and can manifest itself in a wide variety of initial symptoms that include: dermatitis, fatigue, joint pain, acid reflux, abnormal menses, and infertility. Some gluten sensitive people are asymptomatic, at least for a certain period of their lives.

There is a lot of scientific data out there on gluten sensitivities and celiac’s disease and I gave just a brief overview of the symptoms so I definitely encourage you to do your own research.

Read the rest of this entry »